Alectra Energy Solutions, partie à une coentreprise sélectionnée pour construire et exploiter trois systèmes de stockage d'énergie dans des batteries (en anglais)

2 minutes de lecture
22 août 2023

On August 22, 2023, Alectra Energy Solutions, a trusted provider of innovative, turnkey energy solutions, and Convergent Energy and Power, a leading provider of energy storage solutions in North America, announced that their joint venture was recently selected by Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to build and operate three battery energy storage systems.

The joint venture will install a total of 80 MW of storage—enough to power more than 83,000 homes—across three sites, a 20MW facility in Guelph and two facilities in Vaughan, a 20MW and 40MW facility respectively. The systems will also increase the reliability and resiliency of Ontario's electric grid while reducing reliance on fossil fuel generation.

The joint venture partners responded to the IESO's expedited long-term request for proposals, which aimed to add capacity services from new and expanded electricity resources starting in 2025. Construction of the systems is expected to begin in 2024.

Gowling WLG advised Alectra Energy Solutions with respect to this joint venture and its winning proposal with a team led by Robert Hull (corporate) and Kirsty Strong (real estate).

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