On-demand seminar: Working with and lobbying government

03 janvier 2017

This seminar is part of the 2016 Gowling WLG Risk to Reward series, designed to address the most important legal, regulatory and corporate risks facing your organization.

About this seminar

Your organization has a position to advocate, and needs to communicate with government on public policy issues and programs. But how can you do this effectively?

This seminar will provide insight into Canada's three levels of government and teach you about critical legislative requirements, codes of conduct and ethical aspects to consider when lobbying government. In addition, this seminar will give views on strategy and an overview of public and private procurement practices, as well as forward-thinking perspectives on emerging government trends.


This seminar counts for up to 1 hour of Substantive Credit under the CPD rules of the Law Society of Upper Canada, up to 1 hour of CPD credit under the rules of the Law Society of British Columbia and up to 1 hour of CLE credit under the rules of the Barreau du Québec.


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