Fraud alert

Like many reputable brands, Gowling WLG sometimes attracts the attention of individuals who misuse its name or the names of its partners and employees to engage in fraudulent activities.

The increasing volume of frauds and scams, particularly online, makes it impossible to eliminate any risk of misuse of the Gowling WLG name and brand, as well as the names and images of our partners and employees.

If you receive a communication that appears to be from our firm or a member of Gowling WLG and you are unsure of its legitimacy, please email to verify its authenticity. We also encourage you to take a look at the people finder on our website and use the contact details on those pages to contact the person you wish to communicate with.

On this page we highlight any significant fraud attempts of which we are aware to help you conduct due diligence.

Phishing –

We are aware of several communications from individuals professing to be from Gowling WLG offices in Spain using the email domains "" and "". Gowling WLG does not have any offices in Spain and does not employ any lawyers in Spain. To see where we do operate and where our lawyers are based, please visit our Global Reach page.

In some instances, we have seen fraudsters impersonate members of our staff. Communications from individuals working for Gowling WLG only use "" domains in the forms listed below:


If you have been contacted by an individual using the "" domain, we recommend you stop all contact with them and report it to your local police immediately.

We are taking measures to remove the fraudulent domains and have already reported the activity to the relevant authorities in England, including the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and Action Fraud.