Sean Adams
Commercial Disputes
Strong environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) strategy management can continue to create long-term value for stakeholders and enable companies to manage risk. ESG considerations are increasingly important, not only from an investment, customer, community and regulatory perspective, but also in terms of managing reputational and litigation risk. ESG litigation is on the rise, as demonstrated by another recent case which evidences a further potential widening of ESG-related international tort claims.
In this article, we discuss how tort claims are evolving in an ESG context and the impact of recent cases on the widening of parent company liability. What are the key points to note and in what areas should parent companies look to be more ESG conscious to take account of these broadening responsibilities?
In recent years, we have seen several parent company liability cases where claimants have pursued claims against a UK domiciled parent company in the English courts, for claimed ESG failings by an overseas subsidiary. These cases appear to have collectively widened a corporate's duty of care in certain circumstances, which are particularly relevant in the ESG sphere.
It is a well-established principle that each company in a corporate group has its own legal personality. It is also well-established in tort law that a company will not be liable for the acts of a subsidiary simply because of its shareholding. However, a parent company may assume a duty of care to third parties at risk of harm from the acts and/or omissions of its subsidiaries.
This type of tort claim has recently been tested in several cases where the parent company is located in what could be perceived from the claimant's perspective to be a "more favourable" jurisdiction to that where the ESG failings are alleged to have taken place. For various reasons, the English courts are becoming an increasingly popular battleground for ESG-related claims (see, for example, the cases referred to in our earlier articles on 'ESG - Court refuses permission (again) for derivative claim', 'Climate litigation in the UK' and our Top 10 pointers on 'Managing litigation risks').
Recent cases where this type of tort has been tested include Vedanta Resources Plc v Lungowe[1][2], Okpabi v Shell[3] and Begum v Maran (UK) Ltd[4], among others, all of which have seen claimants litigate against a UK-based corporate for the acts of its overseas subsidiary. These cases have not only succeeded in widening a parent company's potential duty of care to third parties, but also succeeded in bringing these matters before the English courts.
However, a recent attempt to extend the application of these principles to the actions of third party suppliers within an international supply chain was judged to be a step too far (at least for now), with the High Court concluding that a foreign court was the appropriate forum to hear any such claim.
That application shows (perhaps unsurprisingly) that the English courts may be less willing to find that they have jurisdiction to hear these cases in situations whereby the claims are based on alleged breaches by an unrelated third party, in this case a supplier, rather than the parent's subsidiary or group company.
Although the merits of the case were not addressed in detail (as this was only a jurisdictional hearing) and are now to be determined by the foreign court, attempts to expand the liability of a UK corporate in this area are likely to continue. This therefore remains an area of risk exposure that corporates need to continue to carefully monitor, particularly as supply chains become more integrated.
Although this recent case did not proceed to a full trial in the UK, the case does highlight the need for companies who are multi-national, with complex supply chains that extend outside of the UK, to be wary of potential allegations of impropriety and misconduct in their value chains (both in terms of legal and reputational repercussions). We predict that this is not going to be the end of these sorts of cases - someone will no doubt try again, hence the need for caution.
Until then, the extent to which a company could be held liable in situations where services have been 'outsourced' to third parties, remains to be seen. Companies should therefore be mindful of the litigation risk and potential liability associated with the provision of services and functions in relation to third parties in their supply chain.
For more information or to discuss any of the key takeaways here further, please contact Sean Adams or Emma Carr.
[1] Vedanta Resources Plc v. Lungowe [2019] UKSC 20
[2] Gowling WLG article on the Vedanta Resources Plc & Another v. Lungowe & others case, April 2019
[3] HRH Okpabi v Royal Dutch Shell Plc [2021] UKSC 3
[4] Begum v Maran (UK) Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 326
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