Earlier this year, the National Audit Office (NAO) issued its 'Competition in public procurement: lessons learned' report. The report examined whether government has mechanisms in place to understand and encourage competition in public procurement and how government departments can make their use of competition more effective.

We focus on contract management rather than procurement elements noting that the report highlighted some key points relating to the on-going management of contracts. Ultimately, how contracts are managed during their terms and lessons learned will factor heavily in any re-procurement and the development of new contracts when you do go back out to the market. We consider ensuring you have the right contract terms, being clear about the relationship you want with providers and ensuring you then manage the contract reflective of the mechanisms put in place.

We also consider options in the event there is a contract failure, the advantages and disadvantages of litigation and arbitration, points to consider when holding a mediation and practical steps to help manage and resolve disputes. Where disputes can't be resolved, we consider essential steps to put the Authority in the best position to bring or defend a claim.

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