Alec Sader is an articling student at Gowling WLG's Montréal office.
Alec recently completed his last year of the concurrent Bachelor of Civil Law and Juris Doctor (B.C.L. /J.D.) program at McGill University's Faculty of Law, as well as a minor concentration in Indigenous Studies at McGill University. He has a keen interest in Indigenous law, as well as in litigation and labour law.
As part of his studies, from 2019 to 2020, Alec was a caseworker in a legal clinic that represented victims of racial discrimination. There, he assisted clients by conducting research and participating in mediation sessions. From 2020 to 2021, Alec clerked alongside the Honourable Janick Perreault of the Superior Court of Quebec.
During his academic career, Alec was an editor for Inter Gentes: The McGill Journal of International Law and Legal Pluralism, and was the Journal's Editor-in-Chief from 2019 to 2020. He was also a research assistant for multiple professors at McGill's Faculty of Law, and was a teaching assistant in constitutional law at both McGill University and Ryerson University.
Outside of law school, from 2020 to 2021, Alec was a youth leader in the National Youth Reconciliation Initiative, an organization that connects youth across Canada to forward reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and Canadians. He also tends goal for the Lebanese men's national ice hockey team.