Diversity, equality & inclusion (DE&I)

Diversity and Inclusion

The diversity and inclusion (D&I) of our workplace is hugely important to our firm and is reflected in one of our global core values — 'we all bring something different'.

Diversity is a word that means different things to different people — and that's the point; different people. At Gowling WLG we celebrate the diversity of our people — different backgrounds; different cultures; different experiences; different interests; different ages and different needs. We want to create a workplace where our people can be themselves, celebrating the fact that we're all individuals. We are committed to attracting and retaining talented people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Our strategy

Inclusion for All is our five-year strategy that aims to ensure that all of our people feel included and that they belong at Gowling WLG but, importantly, recognising that everyone has a part to play in making the firm truly diverse and inclusive. We want to be recognised by our clients, peers, people, future employees, communities and market as a truly diverse and inclusive organisation.

Our Inclusion for All strategy ensures that every team at Gowling WLG is enforcing positive change and contributing to our diversity and inclusion goals by delivering and implementing key action plans.

Inclusion for all

Our ambitions for 2026 are:

  • Diverse teams are the norm;
  • Attract, retain and develop diverse talent;
  • Collective and individual accountability for D&I;
  • Empower our people to be inclusive; and
  • Aligning with client expectations.
Our D&I story so far image

Diversity and inclusion highlights

Corporate responsibity - UK - EMBRACE full width

Our employee networks

Our employee networks are open to everyone and provide education and awareness as well as the opportunity for our people to network and support each other. Each network is led by two co-chairs who are employees from the firm and supported by two board sponsors who provide active allyship to the network. Each network focuses on key issues relevant to their members and run events, roundtables and provide feedback to the firm.

We are proud to partner with:

Business Disability Forum logo Black Solicitors Network Logo Purple Space logo Stonewall Global Diversity Champion logo Working Families Employer Member Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion Member Logo

Proud signatories of:

Halo Hair Code For Workplaces Logo Race Fairness Commitment Logo Menopause Workplace Pledge Logo Mental Health at Work Commitment Pledge UN Global Compact Logo Race at Work Charter Logo United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Logo

Our diversity and equal opportunities policy

All job applicants, employees, partners, clients, other lawyers, barristers, third parties and suppliers will not be treated less favourably than others because of race or racial group (including colour, nationality, ethnicity, national origins), religion or belief, gender (including gender identity and re-assignment, marital status/civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity and paternity), disability, age or sexual orientation and whether or not they work part-time, flexible hours, or on a fixed-term contract. This also includes associated or perceptive discrimination.

Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) Data Reporting

As part of our commitments to the Solicitors Regulatory Authority we have to collect, report and publish data about the diversity make-up of our workforce every two years. Access the 2023 SRA data report.

Our approach to corporate responsibility

We take our responsibility to our people, our environment and our communities seriously. Trust and transparency are embedded in everything we do and impact every business decision we make. Find out more about our overall approach to corporate responsibility and environmental, social and governance (ESG).

Find out more about our approach
Who we are - Our approach to corporate responsibility (UK)

Responsible business

Playing our part in the wider community as a responsible business is a key element of who we are as a firm and as an employer. Our responsible business strategy focuses on two core areas: community and profession skills volunteering.

Find out more about responsible business
Who we are - Corporate Responsibility - cta

Environmental commitment

Our environmental commitment is an integral component of our corporate responsibility, find out how we embrace our environmental duty by implementing eco-friendly practices in our daily operations.

Find out more about our environmental commitment
Who we are - Environmental commitment (UK) cta


Good governance is about making transparent, accountable, effective, equitable, inclusive, efficient and legal decisions and implementing them. It's good for doing business and also for enabling positive impacts on the planet, people, communities and beyond.

Find out more about governance
Governance - CTA