
The Toth v. Her Majesty the Queen class proceeding challenged the validity of offsets the Government of Canada made to certain veterans’ disability benefits before 29 May 2012. A $100-million settlement agreement fully resolved the case. The Federal Court deemed unclaimed amounts under the settlement to be residual funds payable to approved charitable organizations

On 06 January 2021, the Federal Court approved payments to up to four charities in two phases. The amounts distributed in the first phase were:

  • $2 million to the Veterans Bursary Fund;
  • $1.2 million to the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund (Poppy Fund); and,
  • $800,000 to the Veterans Legal Assistance Foundation (VLAF).
The amounts distributed in the second phase were:
  • $813,876.82 to the Veterans Bursary Fund;
  • $488,326.09 to the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund;
  • $244,163.05 to the Veterans Legal Assistance Foundation, and
  • $81,387.68 to the Ottawa Inner City Ministries: Inner City Veterans Outreach and Support.

Veterans Bursary Fund

The Veterans Bursary Program received a total of $2,813,876.82 million from the Toth Settlement. The Toth Class, and their family members, are eligible to receive an educational bursary under the Veterans Bursary Program.

Universities Canada administers the Veterans Bursary Fund.

For more information, please see the Veterans Bursary Program: or email