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Find out what life as an apprentice means for them

Zack Staples, CRM and Digital Marketing Executive

Zack Staples

Zack Staples joined Gowling WLG as a business services apprentice. Following the completion of his first apprenticeship, he progressed to a digital marketing apprenticeship before joining the Digital team permanently as CRM and digital marketing executive. Here, Zack talks about his initial apprenticeship experience.

Why did you choose to undertake an apprenticeship and what appealed to you about the Gowling WLG apprenticeship in particular?

University has never appealed to me. I wasn't interested in spending thousands of pounds on a degree with the possibility of being no better off after graduation. So I decided that an apprenticeship was for me. I didn't know specifically which job role I was interested in, but wanted to challenge myself and start working right away. When looking for an apprenticeship, I stumbled across the Business Services Apprenticeship scheme at Gowling WLG. Gowling offered something no other apprenticeship had. The opportunity to experience different job roles, in order to improve professional skills and gain a better understanding of which career path you'd like to pursue.

What does your role look like day-to-day?

I was an apprentice in the Business Development and Corporate Communications team. I had regular day to day tasks and projects to do as well as working on business as usual tasks. This allowed me to develop my organisational skills as it can be challenging keeping on top of work while helping out on other tasks, but this is what makes each day exciting - no two days are the same. My team challenged me with my work as well as letting me attend important meetings in order for me to gain a greater understanding of what my work would involve in the future.

What advice would you give to others considering an apprenticeship?

I would advise anyone who wants to start their career earlier than most, whilst challenging themselves and learning professional skills, as well as getting paid, to enrol on an apprenticeship scheme. Apprenticeships allow you to earn a qualification as well as gaining vast amounts of work experience which will stand you in good stead for the future. Enrolling on the Business Services Apprenticeship scheme at Gowling WLG is the best decision I have ever made as it has allowed me to realise my aspirations and unlock my potential.

What is the best thing about being a Gowling WLG apprentice?

The best thing is knowing that the company care about my professional development. I am now a respected member of my team and Gowling have helped me feel as welcome as possible from the off. It is exciting to see how the work I do is published and benefits the firm's marketing strategy.

"Enrolling on the Business Services apprenticeship scheme at Gowling WLG is the best decision I have ever made as it has allowed me to realise my aspirations and unlock my potential.''