Central and Eastern Europe
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is a large and diverse region with many exciting business opportunities - and is a key area of focus for Gowling WLG.
We regularly act for clients in every CEE country, advising on English law issues and working closely with local law firms with whom we've developed strong relationships.
The role of the Gowling WLG CEE team is twofold. Outbound, our role is to assist our clients from outside of the CEE region in selecting the most suitable legal advisers in each relevant country to help them with their CEE business. Our comprehensive knowledge of the region's law firms and legal market will ensure you get the advice you need.
Inbound, our role is to apply our extensive experience to assist clients operating in the CEE region with English legal advice and with establishing their business operations internationally - whether through an acquisition or by establishing a greenfield operation - and looking after our clients' ongoing legal needs.
Members of our CEE team regularly visit their clients and contacts in major business centres of the CEE region, including annual trips to Warsaw, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Bucharest and Sofia.
When we make these visits, we take a hands-on approach, and often tour our clients' facilities and meet with management to improve our understanding of the challenges they face. We see these visits as essential to both learning what our clients' priorities are, and to tailoring our legal advice to help our clients meet those objectives.
Although English is commonly spoken throughout the CEE region, our team includes fluent speakers of Polish, Hungarian, French and German. This means you'll always receive seamless service, no matter what language you - or your business partners - speak.
To learn more about how we can help your business succeed, please contact Tom Price or Rafal Wrzesien.