Lawyers Michael Polowin, Pierre Champagne and Benoit Duchesne are the authors of The Manual for Elected Municipal Officials - Ontario, a comprehensive reference tool for council members to consult when issues arise in the course of their duties.

Throughout their four-year term, municipal officials have certain obligations to their constituents and colleagues, and must have a clear understanding of their rights and duties. This practical manual helps councillors fulfill their mandate and increase their efficiency by outlining the day-to-day functions of their role, and offering advice on how to mitigate actions that may have negative consequences - including disqualification and exposure to personal liability.

Topics covered in the manual include:

  • Council operations, including meeting procedures and duties of a councillor
  • Misconduct, breach of trust, embezzlement and conflicts of interest
  • Liability considerations for councillors
  • Access to information
  • Employment matters within municipalities
  • Ethics in municipal affairs
  • Recent legislative amendments impacting municipalities

For more information on The Manual for Elected Municipal Officials - Ontario, please contact any of the authors, or order a copy from Wolters Kluwer.

About the authors:

Michael Polowin practises in the areas of municipal and planning law and commercial real estate. In his municipal and planning practice, Michael advises clients on the full spectrum of the development process, including appearances at the Ontario Municipal Board and before the Courts. He has represented some of the largest developers in Canada, and has also acted on behalf of municipalities in Eastern Ontario on planning and development and public-private partnership matters.

Pierre Champagne has been a lawyer for 20 years. He practises civil and commercial litigation, and has represented both municipalities and entities dealing with municipalities. He has provided advice in relation to matters arising from various municipal departments, including chief building officials, economic development, health units and planning. He has also represented elected municipal officials in litigation arising from their work as council members.

Benoit Duchesne practises in the areas of civil litigation and administrative law. Aside from his work for and with non-municipal clients, he has acted as independent legal counsel to municipal committees and quasi-judicial bodies, and has represented municipalities before administrative tribunals and all levels of court, including the Supreme Court of Canada. He is a member of the Québec and Ontario bars, and teaches civil procedure at the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Law.