If you have multiple wills, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice's recent decision in Re Milne may have an impact on your wills.

"Multiple wills" are two or more wills, each dealing with different assets, some or all of which will be probated on death. They are often used to avoid probate tax on assets for which a grant of probate is not, as a practical matter, required.

As a result of the Re Milne decision, your wills may require review and/or amendment to ensure that there will be no issue probating the will(s) as intended.

If you have — or are unsure whether you have — multiple wills, or if you have any other questions relating to your will(s), we strongly urge you to contact your lawyer as soon as possible to have your wills reviewed and updated/amended if necessary. 

Alternatively, you can contact us at estates@gowlingwlg.com or reach out to any of our lawyers listed.