In the second of our mini-series on insolvency in construction, we consider what you need to do when you find out that the party you are in contract with has become (or is about to become) insolvent.

Who are you in contract with? Which specific entity?

The first thing you should do in the event of a counterparty's alleged insolvency is check which legal entity you are in a contract with.

This is in order to prevent you from acting too early and committing a repudiatory breach yourself, if you take pre-emptive action against your counterparty.

Information is available through a variety of sources including searches of the public registers at Companies House and at the courts or credit agencies. Alternatively, if you believe an Insolvency Practitioner has been appointed, you can contact him or her for confirmation.

Does the contract terminate automatically?

You should be aware that absent a specific contractual right, insolvency is not a breach of contract under English law. You cannot therefore simply rely on a right to terminate for default or breach - express wording dealing with insolvency is required.

Standard form contracts do not generally provide for automatic termination on insolvency. Most construction contracts do however provide a right to terminate the contract upon the employer's or contractor's insolvency. You should check how widely the contract defines insolvency for these purposes as well as the procedure to be followed. It is important to check that the particular circumstances involved constitute insolvency as defined by the contract.

Getting this wrong (whether or not those specific events have occurred and/or the correct procedure to follow) could give rise to wrongful repudiation of the contract, termination rights and a claim for damages - which may, for example, include loss of profits on the overall project, or the cost of engaging others to complete the works and claiming the difference from you.

It generally pays to plan for the worst case scenario. Check whether the contract deals with insolvency and its consequences. This will include for example:

  • no payment obligation following insolvency;
  • no automatic termination of the main contract on insolvency (to allow flexibility and the ability to liaise with the insolvency practitioner where possible);
  • early insolvency triggers to give the employer more time to consider its position;
  • provisions in the main contract and subcontracts that deal with the passing of title to the employer for on and off-site materials; and
  • collateral warranties / third party rights.

How does the contract define insolvency?

Every contract is different and many are likely to be subject to bespoke amendments.

Ideally "Insolvency event" should be defined widely enough to catch events which occur before the formal insolvency process begins such as winding-up petitions being issued or a notice of intention to appoint administrators being filed.

As a starting point, the standard form contracts listed below define insolvency and set out the relevant procedure as follows: