As part of its Intellectual Property Strategy launched early last year, the government of Canada announced today several initiatives that purport to help Canadian entrepreneurs secure, access and maximize the use of IP as they grow their businesses.

The new initiatives include:

  • The launch of a Patent Collective Pilot Program. Developed and administered by a new non-profit entity called the Innovation Asset Collective, the four-year pilot program will receive $30 million in federal funding to assist small and medium-sized businesses in the data-driven clean technology sector with their IP needs. It will do so, in part, by purchasing and holding patents that member companies can license on an ongoing basis in order to protect themselves against IP infringement litigation.
  • The launch of an IP marketplace platform called ExploreIP, which will give Canadian entrepreneurs and businesses access to publicly owned IP. Through the platform, entrepreneurs will be able to contact the owners to negotiate a licence or explore opportunities for collaboration.
  • New grants totaling $200,000 annually to develop or expand IP legal clinic resources at a number of law schools across Canada — namely the University of Ottawa, the University of Windsor, York University and the Université de Montréal.

Gowling WLG's IP Group continues to monitor these developments. Contact any member of our patent team to learn more about protecting and maximizing your innovations in today's knowledge economy.