Health Canada made an announcement today with respect to the update on the legalization and regulation of cannabis.

The most pertinent information disclosed is below:

  • The Amended Regulations will be formally published on June 26, 2019 in Canada Gazette Part II. In advance, Health Canada will be sending materials and information to industry leaders and federal and provincial license holders and applicants.
  • The Amended Regulations will come into force on Oct. 17, 2019. New products will not be available for sale until the middle of December 2019 at the earliest. Given that under the current Regulations, Health Canada needs to be informed of new cannabis products at least 60 days before sale, Health Canada will only start accepting notifications of new classes of cannabis products starting Oct. 17, 2019. License holders are encouraged to start making plans early with respect to manufacturing and building inventory of new cannabis products they intend to sell.

Gowling WLG's Cannabis Group continues to monitor these development closely. For more information, please contact any member of our team.