Gowling WLG head of natural resources Charles Bond joins Chris Cann, head of research at Mining Journal to talk advantages of listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

Alongside Randy Smallwood, president and CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals Corp, and Tom Attenborough, head of international business development at the London Stock Exchange, Charles discusses the advantages of listing in London, why it's different from listing in other key resources exchanges around the world, and what work there is to do in this area.

Key topics include:

  • the legal and compliance strengths and weaknesses for companies seeking to list in London and how this differs across other major exchanges;
  • planning listings and listing processes for mining businesses seeking to list in the UK;
  • pros and cons for overseas mining groups, including from Australia and Canada;
  • the European Securities Markets Authority and their regulations in relation to competent persons reports and what this means pre and post-Brexit for mining companies with material assets coming to London;
  • feedback from LSE listed companies and insight into how the exchange assess and evolves its listings;
  • London's two-tiered listing system in the LSE main board and AIM market, and advice for companies seeking entry into London via either market;
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements for companies seeking to list; and
  • Much more.

Find out more

Interested in finding out more about listing in London, either via the London Stock Exchange main board or AIM market? Speak to Gowling WLG's Natural Resources team to discuss your route to market in the UK, and how we can support your success in the capital and beyond.

The Gowling WLG AIM Handbook

Our Equity Capital Markets team has published its 2020 edition of the AIM Handbook - the go-to guide for Nomads - the Nominated Advisers bringing companies to the AIM market on the London Stock Exchange.

Combining the latest version of the AIM Rules for Companies and for Nominated Advisers, the most recent Inside AIM publications and the updated Prospectus Regulation Rules Annexes, the Handbook is your complete guide to AIM listing.

Download the Gowling WLG AIM Handbook.