Gowling WLG Planning & Energy teams have assisted Palm Paper in securing development consent for a combined cycle gas turbine plant.

Palm Paper, one of the largest suppliers of paper to the print press in the UK and Europe, has been granted development consent to meet the Company's energy and steam requirements for its paper mill in King's Lynn.

After a lengthy and complex application and examination process, the Secretary of State has accepted the recommendation of the Examination Authority and has granted a Development Consent Order for the energy plant.

Planning Director and energy specialist Graham Wrigglesworth who led the Gowling WLG team said: "The Secretary of State's decision will enable Palm Paper to proceed with installation of the plant which will secure an uninterruptable power and steam supply for years to come."

The plant has a capacity to generate in the order of 168 Megawatts of power and will also provide the paper mill with steam for use in the paper making process.

Gowling WLG assisted the Company in securing the original planning permission for its paper mill in King's Lynn and was delighted to be able to assist in guiding the Company in its application for consent for the energy and steam plant. Gowling WLG advised on the process and assisted with the drafting of the Order and appeared for the Company at hearings to respond to issues raised by statutory consultees and the Examining Authority.

Gowling WLG's Planning team has assisted a wide range of clients involved in the development consent process introduced by the 2008 Planning Act. Their extensive UK base includes governments and regulators, developers, financial institutions, electricity generators, network operators and energy suppliers and traders.