On July 19, 2024, Capital Power and the four Maskwacîs communities of Samson Cree Nation, Ermineskin Cree Nation, Louis Bull Tribe and Montana First Nation, signed participation and option agreements for an equity stake in the Halkirk 2 Wind Project.

The 126-megawatt wind project is located southeast of Maskwacîs, Alberta, on approximately 17,000 acres of privately owned land. The Halkirk 2 Wind Project will generate enough power to meet the average annual electrical needs of approximately 63,000 Alberta homes.

The equity option(s) is exercisable once the project achieves commercial operation, which is anticipated for Q4 2024. This project demonstrates both the value of Indigenous ownership in energy projects and that Alberta companies continue to lead the way vis-à-vis equity participation deals.

Kennedy A. Bear Robe and Steve R. Will, partners at Gowling WLG, were counsel to Samson Cree Nation with respect to this commitment. Gowling WLG is honoured to have acted for Samson Cree in this matter.