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Global supply chains have been significantly impacted by COVID-19 and by efforts to stop and contain its spread – raising challenging questions and complex contractual and health & safety issues for owners, contractors and trades in the construction industry across the Country. Therefore, to assess your risk and develop a strategic plan you will need an assessment of your contract or subcontract during and following this pandemic. To help our clients navigate this challenging time, Gowling WLG invites you to a webinar designed to give a quick summary of what some provincial governments are doing, how force majeure clauses work in the pandemic, and relevant occupational health & safety issues. 

Our discussion will include the subjects below:

  • Cross-country round-up: what each Province is doing in the construction sector
  • Delay Claims/Force Majeure/Frustration in Common Law provinces
  • Delay Claims/Force Majeure/Frustration in Quebec
  • Occupational Health & Safety issues in Common Law provinces
  • Occupational Health & Safety issues in Quebec