Amidst these uncertain times, many businesses find themselves face to face with significant challenges which cause major disruptions and carry various legal implications. Besides keeping their employees safe, directors of companies have an important task of keeping the wheels turning and helping minimise the damage to the economy and the livelihoods of their employees, and keeping otherwise viable businesses intact for when the crisis passes. In this webinar organised by the Finnish-British Chamber of Commerce, the Danish UK Associaion and the Norwegian-British Chamber of Commerce, Gowling WLG explore how to deal with these special circumstances, how to protect one's employees and what are directors' duties while facing these challenges.

The webinar will cover:

  • How UK employers can deal with the special circumstances - Jonathan Chamberlain
  • How can employers discharge their duties to protect the health and safety of employees who are working from home and those who cannot work from home - Amber Strickland
  • Directors’ duties in testing times - Julian Pallett

Please note that since this webinar was recorded on 2 April 2020 there have been further updates to HMRC's guidance on the Job Retention Scheme, read our Employment team's article for the most up-to-date information.