Whether they like it or not, energy regulators are the new gatekeepers of the technology shift that is needed to meet Canada's carbon reduction goals. This will require significant and near-term changes to the construct under which Canada's utilities have traditionally been regulated.

Traditional regulation doesn't incent utilities to retire technology simply because something better has come along. Should regulation transition from "used and useful" to "better"?

Join Gowling WLG for the first 2021 roundtable in the Energy Innovators Roundtable series.


  • Thomas J. Timmins - Partner & Leader of the Energy Sector Group (Canada), Gowling WLG
  • Ian Mondrow - Partner & Head of Energy Regulation and Policy, Gowling WLG
  • Gordon Kaiser - Arbitrator & Counsel, Previously Vice-Chair of the Ontario Energy Board
  • The Hon. Joseph T. Kelliher - Previously Chair, United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)