The defined benefit landscape continues to change dramatically, with employers, trustees and the Pensions Regulator responding to the combined challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit, alongside their day-to-day workload.

In this webinar, experts from First Actuarial and Gowling WLG have again teamed up to consider the likely focus of the Regulator in 2022, taking into account the impact of the Pension Schemes Act 2021 and associated regulatory changes.

What do the new funding requirements mean in practical terms for trustees and sponsors? The webinar covers:

  • The latest position on the defined benefits funding code of practice
  • Long-term funding targets - interaction with Pension Schemes Act 2021 and what it will mean in practice
  • The Pensions Regulator's current engagement with schemes, drawing on case studies
  • Practical guidance on how trustees and employers can best respond to and engage with the Regulator on the new requirements