Employees are being encouraged to put their devices away after hours, and there's a lot to unpack in terms of how this will affect Ontario businesses.

In this on-demand webinar, our panel of professionals discuss the province's new Right to Disconnect legislation. Among other key issues, you will learn about updates regarding new guidance from the Ontario Employment Standards Branch, specifically with respect to policy requirements. In addition, you will also hear from employment lawyers from France, Portugal, Ireland and Italy, where similar legislation has been in place for some time.


  • Bettina Burgess - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Hina Ghaus - Associate, Gowling WLG
  • Stefano Biagioli - Counsel, Gianni & Origoni
  • André P. Nascimento - Partner, Uría Menéndez
  • Kevin Langford - Partner, Arthur Cox

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Right to Disconnect Q&A

Does there need to be a stand-alone disconnecting from work policy? Does this legislation eliminate the "perk" of flexible work hours? Get the answers to these questions and more by downloading or viewing our Q&A below.

Download Q&A PDF | Read the Q&A online