For today's business leaders, understanding attitudes towards new technology will be crucial to successfully implementing and communicating strategies that include emerging tech, such as the metaverse.

The rules and regulations of the metaverse are still to be defined, generating opportunities and challenges for leadership teams. In different markets, organisations are implementing metaverse experiences and technologies at different rates, leading to varying levels of awareness, understanding and attitudes amongst consumers.

In this webinar, we are joined by a panel of experts, including Will Turner, head of Strategic Growth, Partnership and Innovation at HSBC UK and Jane Wakefield, technology journalist and consultant specialising in artificial intelligence and the metaverse, to discuss the potential concerns or threats to organisations operating in the metaverse and the opportunities to accelerate growth.

This webinar gives you an opportunity to hear real examples of organisations expanding into the metaverse: from HSBC being the first global financial institution to enter the metaverse to insight from a renowned metaverse expert and journalist on how we should be communicating technology advancements to clients and customers.