With the end of COVID-19 restrictions in sight, many businesses and their employees will be returning to the office within the next few months.

While some employers will expect their workforce to be back full-time, others will adopt a hybrid way of working with employees' time split between the office and home.

This presents an array of challenges and issues that employers need to prepare for to ensure safety in the workplace, as well as business continuity.

This podcast series, brought to you by Gowling WLG's Employment team, discusses the key issues and how employers should address them to make sure their return to the office runs smoothly.

In this first episode, legal director Anna Fletcher is joined by partner Jocelyn Paulley from our Data Protection team.

Jocelyn will be discussing the key considerations that employers need to focus on in terms of data protection compliance in this new workplace and how to make sure that confidential information remains secure.

Listen to more episodes from our Employment Essentials podcast

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