As a subset of our Canadian Energy Podcast Series, we have teamed up with Navigator Ltd., a noted Canadian public relations, crises management, lobbying and polling company, on an exciting new content venture. Part 3 explores the Hague Court's 2021 ruling in the Royal Dutch Shell case.

In this third episode, we explore the Hague Court's 2021 ruling in the Royal Dutch Shell case, which found that Shell has a legal obligation to reduce CO2 emissions by 45 per cent by 2030 compared to 2019 levels. Léone Klapwijk from the Dutch law firm Van Doorne joins the podcast to discuss how this ruling was established, what has been the corporate and NGO reaction in Europe since then, and what it all means for the industry in the Netherlands, Europe, and potentially beyond.

About the series

As a subset of our Canadian Energy Podcast Series, we have teamed up with Navigator Ltd., a noted Canadian public relations, crises management, lobbying and polling company, on an exciting new content venture. Together, we have produced The Energy Exchange, a series of four 30-minute podcasts that will explore the unprecedented energy transformation underway in Canada. The first of the series was released on March 1, 2022, and subsequent podcasts will be released weekly.

Listen to episode 1:  Energy transformation in Canada »

Listen to episode 2: Plugged into energy opportunities »

Listen to episode 4: The pragmatic middle »