In the second instalment of our "BAD" (Brands, Advertising and Designs) podcast series, we hear from Charlie Bond and Lucy Singer in our Intellectual Property team as they discuss the topic of the metaverse. 

In this episode of our "BAD" (Brands, Advertising and Designs) podcast series, we hear from Charlie Bond and Lucy Singer in our Intellectual Property (IP) team as they discuss the topic of the metaverse.

In recent years, the metaverse has gained increasing amounts of awareness and attention. This has led to huge amounts of investment in the metaverse and it's estimated that the market will be worth a staggering $800 billion by 2024.

Get to grips with the basic terminology associated with the metaverse and what exactly this digital world involves and how it works. Once you're up to speed on the basics, the podcast has a more detailed look, exploring the different IP rights that are involved in the Metaverse as well as how to protect them.

The podcast also sets out the benefits of the metaverse and the opportunities for businesses and consumers, but also the potential pitfalls.

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