Twenty-six Gowlings professionals have been recognized for their expertise in Leading Lawyers in Energy, a special edition of Lexpert included in the November 2015 edition of Report on Business magazine.

The guide identifies Canada's top energy lawyers based on the results of a rigorous peer review process. It is considered a key resource for Canadian and U.S. corporate counsel, as well as law firms looking to engage Canadian legal talent in the energy industry.

The following Gowlings lawyers are featured in Lexpert's Leading Lawyers in Energy:

Ahab Abdel-Aziz
Nurhan Aycan
David C. Bishop
Darryl J. Brown
Harry Dahme
Jennifer Danahy
Myron B. Dzulynsky
Maxime Faille
Peter D. Fairey
Mireille Fontaine
Gary D. Graham
Paul H. Harricks
Michael Herman
Robert G.S. Hull
John Hurley
David B. Kierans
David R.J. Lefebvre
Luc Lissoir
Mark L. Madras
Manuel A. Martins
David J. McFadden, QC
Ian A. Mondrow
Rodney V. Northey
W. Ian Palm
James H. Smellie
Lilly A. Wong

With top-tier expertise in the nuclear, electricity, renewables, oil and gas, and regulatory sectors, the Gowlings Energy Group has been repeatedly recognized by Lexpert for its leadership in the energy industry. Its other recent accolades include listings in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory 2015, the Lexpert 2015 Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-border Corporate Lawyers in Canada, and Canada's Leading Corporate Lawyers.