Susan Abramovitch has been listed among the world's top sports and entertainment lawyers in Who's Who Legal: Sports & Entertainment 2016.

Having been immersed in the entertainment industry for over 20 years, Abramovitch works with many prominent Canadian and international artists, companies and brands. She applies her unparalleled expertise, connections and passion to protect her clients' interests and get them the best deals possible.

Regarded as one of the world's elite legal directories, the Who's Who Legal series identifies the leading legal professionals in more than 100 countries and across a broad range of service areas. Listings are based on a comprehensive voting process that solicits feedback from clients, in-house counsel and peers.

From the television and movie sets of "Hollywood North" to its global music superstars, Canada boasts one of the most dynamic arts and entertainment industries in the world. Whether it's music, film and theatre or sports, book publishing and videogames, Gowling WLG's Entertainment Law Group knows what it takes to protect and effectively market the fruits of your creativity.