Awards and recognition
ITR World Tax 2025 recognizes Gowling WLG's tax and transfer pricing teams
The International Tax Review (ITR) has recognized Gowling WLG and several of its professionals in the 2025 edition of World Tax.
Firm rankings
Gowling WLG is listed among the "leading firms" in the following practice areas:
- Tax
- Tax Controversy
- Transactional Tax
- Transfer Pricing
Individual rankings
The following Gowling WLG professionals are recognized as tax law leaders:
Catherine Brayley – Highly Regarded, Women in Tax Leader
Michael Bussmann – Highly Regarded, Indirect Tax, Tax Controversy
Carole Chouinard – Highly Regarded, Women in Tax Leader
Laura Gheorghiu – Highly Regarded, Women in Tax Leader
Ash Gupta – Notable Practitioner
Dale Hill – World TP – Highly Regarded, Transfer Pricing
John Sorensen – Highly Regarded, Tax Controversy
ITR World Tax is the comprehensive guide to the world’s leading tax firms, providing rankings and profiles of the most effective tax practitioners in the world, covering more than 155 jurisdictions located on every continent.
About Gowling WLG's Tax and Tax Dispute Resolution groups
Gowling WLG's Tax Group has extensive experience advising both Canadian and international clients and has an in-depth understanding of a wide range of industries, including apparel, banking, energy, finance and leasing, insurance, manufacturing, payments, real estate, traditional and internet retail, telecommunications and transportation.
Gowling WLG's Tax Dispute Resolution Group is home to some of Canada's most highly regarded tax dispute advisers. With extensive legal experience in Canadian tax law, our team will minimize your stress and the time it takes to resolve complex disputes.
About Gowling WLG's Transfer Pricing & Competent Authority Group
In conjunction with the firm's Tax Group, the Transfer Pricing and Competent Authority Group helps organizations optimize their global tax position and reduce exposure to unfavourable audit assessments through in-depth tax planning and innovative implementation strategies.