Gowling WLG corporate partner Hugh Maule was consultant editor on the second edition of 'World Stock Exchanges: A Practical Guide' which has just been published by Globe Law and Business.

The guide seeks to assist those who may be interested in the equity markets in analysing the choices available to them and features fully updated contributions from leading practitioners in the field in a selection of major markets, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Hong Kong, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Corporate director Sam Myers and senior associate Kate Seabourne authored chapters on AIM and the Main Market, respectively, while Kathleen Ritchie, partner and co-head of Gowling WLG's Toronto Business Law Department authored the Toronto Stock Exchange chapter.

Hugh said: "The book is a go to guide for anyone interested in equity markets and supports key decision making when comparing various markets across the world. I was delighted to be asked to be consultant editor for the second time and am pleased Sam, Kate and Kathleen were also able to be make significant contributions to the guide."

World Stock Exchanges: A Practical Guide, Second Edition is available from Globe Law and Business and Amazon.