In a world where copyright infringement is all too common, whether it’s illegal downloads, stolen song lyrics, or knock-off designs, the need to protect your originality is crucial now, more than ever.

At the London Design Festival 2019 designers and innovators can join a discussion with a panel of experts to learn about the importance of protecting a design or idea from inception to shop shelf, as well as defending design rights from infringers.

Stop the Copy Cats, Protect your Designs! will be hosted on September 16th 2019 in London by John Coldham, partner at Gowling WLG and recognised expert in Intellectual Property Law. John will chair the event with guest speakers from design, product development and design protection fields.

Martin Darbyshire, CEO of design consultancy tangerine and an expert witness on design protection will be joined by Romi Mathew, founder of Bluebell, a first-of-its-kind smart monitoring system for parent and baby that aims to make parenting simpler. Presenting a case study of the design and development of Bluebell, Martin and Romi will speak about their first-hand experience of bringing a brand-new idea all the way from concept to market and how technology and design was harnessed to develop a unique customer experience for Bluebell's system of (Internet of Things) IoT devices.

With Bluebell exclusively stocked in John Lewis, Romi will discuss the importance of its system's use of thread technology, and why it was patented before tangerine had even made Bluebell's first prototype.

Jamie Rowlands, partner at Gowling WLG, and former chief representative officer at the firm's Guangzhou Office, will provide a unique insight into protecting design rights when it comes to the complicated field of Chinese markets and manufacturing.

This free event will be taking place at at Gowling WLG’s offices in More 4 London, close to London Bridge station.