In a time where Gen Z and millennial employees are taking to social media to share their emotional experience of being laid off by their employers, Neena Gupta, a partner in Gowling WLG’s Employment, Labour & Equalities Group, advises these individuals to be cautious of this trend. Given that employers and potential employers often review applicants' online presence, she suggests instead using social media to highlight professional achievements and skills that can enhance job prospects instead of complaining about their layoff or worse, posting their termination interview.

“The world has changed. We know that jobs are not forever. With most layoffs, there is nothing to be ashamed of, even if you realize, ‘You know what, I wasn’t quite what they were looking for, and if you can show a bit of class and professionalism, it goes a long way,” said Neena.

Click the link below to read the full article, which was syndicated in the Toronto Star, CityNews and numerous other outlets across the country:

About Gowling WLG's Employment, Labour & Equalities Group

Gowling WLG is home to more than 40 employment and labour professionals – including some of the most highly ranked lawyers by leading national and international rating agencies. Whether you're a multinational company, a mid-sized operation managing its growth or a local entrepreneur just starting out, we have the specialized knowledge and skills to help you manage your people and resolve your legal issues. Learn more about our employment team.