International business

As you expand beyond borders there are often different opportunities, risks and legislation to consider. Our guides will help you navigate the challenge of doing business internationally.

As well as our white paper series, in conjunction with economic research agency Explain the Market, we have commissioned a year-long research project to track investment in the UK autonomous vehicles sector. The study will track the confidence, attitudes and opinions of 1,000 UK investors on the autonomous vehicle (AV) sector and reveal what investors really want as the sector develops. The study will also probe the real barriers and factors that impact confidence.

Quarter three results

The results from the third quarter from our AV Tracker reveal that distrust in artificial intelligence is actually becoming less of a barrier to the widespread introduction of driverless vehicles for UK investors, suggesting that the public is more open to the use of AI.

Quarter three results
autonomous-connected-electric-and-shared-vehicle Quarter 3

Quarter two results

Results from the second quarter of the study reveal how investors view the performance of a range of different players in the AV market. Tesla, Google and Bosch are among those brands which investors believe to have the highest potential for success in the AV market.

Quarter two results
autonomous-connected-electric-and-shared-vehicle Quarter 2

Quarter one results

Results from this first quarter of research reveal widespread support by professional and private investors for the UK Autonomous Vehicle (AV) sector.

64% of investors say they believe driverless vehicles will be on UK roads within 10 years.

Quarter one results
autonomous-connected-electric-and-shared-vehicle Quarter 1

To find out more

For more information or to discuss how we may be able to support you, please contact Stuart Young.