Kathleen M. Ritchie
Chef du groupe Droit des affaires de Toronto
On Oct. 10, 2014, the Canadian Securities Administrators published a notice stating that they are not going to proceed with certain key aspects of original proposals to amend the early warning reporting regime in Canada (the Draft Amendments) published for comment by the CSA in 2013. The objective of the Draft Amendments was to provide greater transparency about significant holdings of issuers’ securities by:
For an overview of the Draft Amendments, please see our March 2013 MarketCaps.
In its recent notice, the CSA announced that, as a result of the comments received, they are not going to proceed with reducing the reporting threshold from 10% to 5% or including “equity equivalent derivatives” for the purposes of determining the threshold for early warning reporting disclosure.
The CSA does intend to proceed with other aspects of the Draft Amendments. They currently expect to publish final amendments (the Final Amendments) in the second quarter of 2015, that will continue to enhance transparency by:
The Final Amendments would also exempt lenders from disclosure requirements if they lend shares pursuant to a specified securities lending arrangement and exempt borrowers, in certain circumstances, from disclosure requirements if they borrow shares under a securities lending arrangement.
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