Christopher M. Andree
A veritable smorgasbord of employment law issues was recently served up in the decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Small Claims Court) in Bray v. Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy.
Ms. Bray worked for the College for nine years as an instructor teaching classes and supervising clinics and outreach programs. Upon Ms. Bray’s return from a pregnancy/parental leave the College reduced her hours and then failed to assign her any courses to teach during the following semester.
Ms. Bray sued for wrongful dismissal, damages for discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code, damages for reprisal under the Employment Standards Act, 2000, aggravated damages and punitive damages based upon a breach of the duty of good faith in the performance of the employment contract as recently affirmed in Bhasin v. Hrynew (SCC). She brought the case in Small Claims Court, where procedural simplicity and speed can work in a plaintiff’s favour.
That move worked better than she likely imagined: the court found the failure to schedule any courses to be a constructive dismissal. In doing so, the court dismissed the College’s argument that the refusal to schedule was a proper disciplinary step because, among other reasons, the complaints relied upon by the College had never been disclosed to Ms. Bray. Damages were assessed at $42,700, but the award was limited to $25,000 being the monetary jurisdiction of the small claims court. In doing so, Deputy Judge Winny reiterated the following statements of law:
The court also offered at least two new propositions of law which remain to be considered by higher courts.
The amount awarded to Ms Bray for wrongful dismissal constituted less than one-half of the total damages. The real limit on the damages was the forum, the Small Claims Court. Had the matter proceeded in Superior Court with the same findings, the employer would have been liable for an amount equivalent to approximately 14 months’ wages to this 34 year old, nine year, part-time supervisory employee.
This decision stands as a reminder to employers: (1) protected human rights and pregnancy/ parental leave rights cannot be ignored because they are inconvenient; (2) the failure to be honest, reasonable and forthright in dealing with employees, particularly at the time of termination, can lead to sanctions far greater than common law damages in lieu of reasonable notice; and (3) a Small Claims Court action, although limited in the total which can be awarded, can require an employer to defend all of the same claims it would face in Superior Court, with the same potential findings of liability.
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