Jonathan Chamberlain
Brexit Bitesize
While much of British employment law derives from Europe, some areas are purely UK provisions. So to what extent would existing laws be affected by Brexit and what wider implications might we expect? Here, we address some of the initial issues businesses will need to consider and look at how best to be prepared.
In the short term, the impact of Brexit on employment law will be marginal, but the impact on employee relations in the event of a 'no deal' Brexit could be very substantial. The only formal changes to UK employment law come in the areas of European Works Councils and employee guarantee funds for insolvency.
However, the uncertainty over the immigration status of EU nationals - together with hints from Government of strict enforcement - risks impacting individual employees, their colleagues and partners. Moreover, if there is substantial economic disruption, the political polarisation may intensify and be reflected in the workplace, with belief in remain/leave becoming in itself a head of claim in employment disputes.
The already difficult questions of which law applies to the contract of UK nationals working for UK-based employers but in the EU (and which court in which country deals with the disputes), will be subject to greater uncertainty. The relevant EU principles will cease to apply from the date the UK exits with, as yet, nothing to replace them.
Some employers may have contingency plans which involve redundancies in the event of 'no deal'. Any collective consultation obligations would be triggered from the point 'no deal' becomes most probably inevitable.
Key points to note are:
What might Brexit mean for employment law and access to skills?
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