Kate Robards
Principal Associate
The Bribery Act 2010 ("the Act") came into force on 1 July 2011.
In this article, to celebrate its 10 year anniversary, we have provided a summary of the Act and the offences, as well as some practical tips for businesses seeking to ensure they don't fall foul of its requirements.
Section 7 of the Act – namely the corporate offence of "failure of a commercial organisation to prevent bribery" – concerns businesses most. That offence can be successfully defended if a business can demonstrate that it has in place "adequate procedures" which are designed to prevent bribery from occurring.
Despite the Act being in force for a decade, there is little case law to guide us on what constitutes "adequate procedures". A case did touch on the subject in 2018 (R v Skansen Interiors Limited). Skansen involved a relatively small refurbishment company and the payment of bribes to win a contract. Skansen was charged under section 7 and put forward a defence that it had in place adequate procedures to prevent bribery. It argued that its procedures, which were limited, were proportionate for a small company which only operated in the UK. This defence was rejected and Skansen was found guilty (albeit an absolute discharge was ordered as it had no assets at that time).
Adequate anti-bribery and corruption procedures are therefore required for all companies of any size and even if they only operate within the UK.
Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs), introduced in 2014, may have played a limited part in reducing the number of cases where an organisation's procedures to combat bribery have been inadequate. Under a DPA, a prosecutor charges a business with a criminal offence but, assuming the business co-operates in the proceedings, that charge is automatically suspended if the DPA is approved by a judge. The agreement allows a prosecution to be suspended for a defined period provided the organisation meets certain specified conditions (including paying a penalty or compensation). The DPA therefore allows the business to make amends without conviction and is a means of avoiding lengthy and costly trials.
Although the courts may have been quiet, it would clearly be unwise for organisations to take any comfort from that given the potential consequences that can arise from an organisation being involved in actual or suspected bribery. Organisations are therefore strongly advised to ensure they have in place adequate procedures to avoid action being taken which could result in prosecution or a DPA.
Section 1 - General bribery offence.
Section 6 - Bribery of a foreign public official.
Section 7 - Corporate offence. Defence available if "adequate procedures" in place designed to prevent bribery from occurring.
Section 12 - Extra-territorial application of the Act.
Section 14 - Liability of a senior officer.
Penalties - Individual - up to 10 years in prison and unlimited fine. Commercial organisation - unlimited fine.
The Ministry of Justice has provided guidance as to what would comprise "adequate procedures". This includes ensuring that:
We have extensive experience in drafting and conducting risk assessments, drafting anti-bribery and corruption ("ABC") policies and providing training to staff/third parties on ABC issues.We also regularly provide advice on specific ABC concerns faced by businesses.
We would be happy to help with any queries or concerns you may have – please get in touch with Kate Robards.
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