Alison Richards
On 30 June 2022, the Cabinet Office published a policy paper, "Transforming Public Procurement – our transparency ambition" ("Paper"). The Paper introduced a number of public procurement transparency reforms in furtherance of the new transparency agenda, as set out in the Transforming Public Procurement Green Paper and the recent Procurement Bill. Please see our Transforming Public Procurement Webinar from February 2021 for a detailed review of the proposed changes in the Green Paper.
The Paper explains how information will be made more accessible by the public sector through the use of centralised information systems, additional disclosure and reporting obligations.
The Paper sets out three central reforms that aim to increase transparency in public procurement:
The Paper confirms that introducing the new procurement notices outlined in the Procurement Bill is the highest priority, with the division of notices into five broad stages under the proposed reformed regime:
Transparency is at the heart of the procurement reforms, and the Procurement Bill itself is currently at the Committee Stage in the House of Lords. The Government has confirmed that at least six months' notice will be given before the new regime comes into force.
Further detail on the planned transparency changes and the Procurement Bill will be fleshed out in secondary legislation and associated guidance.
The Cabinet Office has commenced work on new draft templates for the new procurement transparency notices in Find a Tender, which will be tested by eProcurement suppliers during the development process. Work will also shortly commence on the data analysis elements of the central digital platform.
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