Andrew Smith
Taking time to put mechanisms in place that will aid dispute avoidance and plan for alternative scenarios and potential outcomes is crucial to managing any commercial relationship. Often, where issues do arise, there are ways to de-escalate matters, mediate and reach a resolution outside of the courts.
This is the second in a series of insights designed to help identify some of the common areas where disputes can arise, how risks can be mitigated and what to consider if you do find yourself in a breach position. Here, we look at the early onset of a dispute and what businesses can do to take a proactive approach.
You can also read the first insight in this series – How to avoid disputes arising from key financial clauses to learn more specifically about some of the key risk areas for disputes in relation to the financial terms of an agreement.
Through helping clients resolve disputes in the life sciences sector over many years, experience points to a number of precautions/steps that can help to reduce the risks and costs of disputes, if acted upon early.
This is in the parties' interests, as so many life sciences contracts are only really successful if there is some symbiotic collaboration. Those involved usually want the same end-results, but how might that be achieved? Sorting out nascent disputes before they fester and grow is to everyone's advantage.
As an example, commercially reasonable efforts (CRE):
In life sciences contractual disputes catching issues early and thinking through how to avert them turning into full blown disputes is important. Once disputes have crystallised and become formalised it can be quite difficult to turn things round.
These steps are all tools that can help build your business' resilience and provide you with options to help manage disputes and effective commercial relationships.
For more guidance, sign-up to our mailing list to receive the next insight in this series, as well as essential updates from our Life Sciences team. If you have any questions about this insight, please contact Andrew Smith.
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