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Gowling WLG advises eStruxture on Kolotek acquisition
On February 9, 2018, eStruxture Data Centers (eStruxture) completed its acquisition of Kolotek from Gaz Métro Plus, as part of its ongoing strategy to expand across Canada. Following the transaction, eStruxture will have over 900 customers from over 30 countries globally, and expands eStruxture's number of sites to three.
Kolotek is a secure data center certified TIER III, PCI, CSAE 3416 and SSAE, offering complete hosting, cloud computing and support services for infrastructure transition projects, and is a specialist of neutral colocation server hosting.
eStruxture provides network and cloud-neutral data center solutions to over 900 customers, including carriers, cloud providers, media, content, financial services and enterprise customers. eStruxture offers colocation, private cloud, managed services, bandwidth, and security and support services to customers of all sizes.
Gowling WLG advised eStruxture with a team that included Rafal Wrzesien and Ingrid Anton.
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