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Altus Assessments acquires One45
On August 18, 2021, Altus Assessments Inc. announced the acquisition of One45 and its MedEd software platform. Together, their combined suite of products will help medical schools and other higher education programs identify, select and nurture all students to become exceptional professionals.
One45 is a MedEd management platform that powers the unique operations, data collection, and reporting needs of over 100 medical schools worldwide. Its analytics offering provides medical schools with deep insights into program, cohort, and individual student performance. At its core is a data warehouse engine that allows medical schools to seamlessly integrate and centralize MedEd data sets in near real-time. One45 helps medical schools streamline day-to-day operational details and provides easy access to the data required to optimize programs and student performance.
Altus empowers higher education institutions to look beyond book smarts, and to identify and nurture exceptional professionals by using unique data to generate meaningful insights that influence key academic decisions. We do this through Altus Suite, made up of Casper, Snapshot, and Duet – assessments that provide a clearer, more holistic view of applicants, as well as formative assessments that support the development of in-program learners into exceptional professionals.
Gowling WLG advised Altus Assessments in this acquisition with a team comprised of Derek Keay and Shaela Rae, assisted by student-at-law Sunny Yun.
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