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Gowling WLG advises Sdiptech AB (Publ) on Second Power Distribution Related Acquisition in 2021
A team of corporate and EV experts from the international law firm Gowling WLG has advised Sdiptech AB (Publ) a Swedish listed technology group that acquires and develops market-leading niche operations that contribute to creating more sustainable, efficient and safe societies on the acquisition of Wake Power Distribution Ltd, the sole owner of IDE Systems and IDE Rental (IDE).
IDE has over 20 years' experience of designing and manufacturing power distribution solutions. The company focuses on supplying power distribution equipment and EV chargers to temporary power markets. IDE offers their own suite of onsite power management tools, enabling reductions in power usage and thus carbon emissions. Sdiptech will use its experience in sustainable energy solutions to work together with the team at IDE to provide safe and efficient temporary power solutions.
Head of EV and corporate partner, Ragi Singh led the Gowling WLG team supported by Rachel Mobberley and Gemma Trencher (corporate), Navin Prabhakar and Emily Rust (banking) and Tom Rank (tax).
Commenting, Magnus Haegermark, Investment Manager at Sdiptech said:
"Following on from our acquisition of another power solutions provider, Rolec, earlier this year, it has been a pleasure to work with the corporate and EV experts at Gowling who once again used their expertise and experience in this sector to help us safely navigate a path to closing. Their commitment, expertise and negotiation skills were a key part in helping us close this transaction against a challenging deadline."
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