Mandats représentatifs
Gowling WLG advises BPCE Energeco on the financing of the first French electricity storage capacity site
Gowling WLG's Energy team in France has advised BPCE Energeco, a subsidiary of BPCE Lease dedicated to players in the renewable energy sector, on the financing of the construction and operation of two battery storage units in French Guiana. The units have a combined capacity of 11.3 MWh and a conversion capacity of 10 MW.
This major project, which will be the largest battery storage system in France, will be operated by Voltalia. Voltalia is one of Europe's leading independent power producers and is listed on the Euronext Paris regulated market.
BPCE Energeco was advised by Antoine Pampouille, partner, and Julie Vuagnoux, counsel.
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