On 10 December 2021, EPISO 5, a fund managed by Tristan Capital Partners, was acquired through an OPPCI the real estate company SCI Liberté from two French institutional investors. SCI Liberté owns a real estate complex located in Charenton-le-Pont (94) known as "Campus Liberté 2", made up of six office buildings for a total area of circa 46 000 sqm, rented to Natixis and including various facilities such as fitness premises, auditoriums, a training space, a tennis court and restauration areas. In the context of this share deal, SCI Liberté entered into a loan agreement with the banks DZ HYP AG and SMBC BANK EU AG for the purposes of, amongst others, refinancing its existing indebtedness toward the sellers.

Gowling WLG (Danhoé Reddy-Girard, partner; Wendy Au, associate) advised SCI Liberté on this financing.

The following law firms also participated to this transaction:

  • Taylor Wessing (Alfred Fink, partner; Thomas Coëffé, counsel ; Elise Milani, associate) for the lenders;
  • Linklaters (Francoise Maigrot, partner; Saadoun Alioua, Camille Lapeyre Sabatie de Chavardes, associates) for the purchaser on the acquisition aspects;
  • Arsène Taxand (François Lugand, partner, Julie Usseglio-Viretta, managing associate) for the purchaser on the tax aspects;
  • Gide Loyrette Nouel (Renaud Baguenault de Puchesse, partner, Mehdy Abbas Khaili, associate) for the sellers.

The following notarial firms were involved:

  • Cheuvreux (Marie-Anne Le Floch, notary partner ; Vincent Passerat) for SCI Liberté as borrower and for the purchaser;
  • Wargny Katz (Nicolas Masseline, notary partner, Frédérique Marguet) for the sellers;
  • Allez & Associés (Vincent Audoir, notaire associé; Marina Planck) for the lenders.