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Capital Markets team advises on an equity fundraise for Oxford BioDynamics plc
Our Capital Markets team has advised OAK Securities (a trading name of Merlin Partners LLP) on a secondary fundraising (Placing, Subscriptions and WRAP Offer of ordinary shares) which has raised £7.35 million for AIM-listed company, Oxford BioDynamics plc, with the fundraising due to be completed on 3/4 February 2025 (subject to shareholder approval).
Oxford BioDynamics plc is a biotechnology company developing targeted clinical diagnostic tests for immune health, based on the EpiSwitch® 3D genomics platform. The fundraising will provide Oxford BioDynamics with additional working capital and cash runway to support the continued development of their EpiSwitch® product line.
The team advising OAK Securities was led by Senior Counsel Jeff Elway, supported by Associate Anna Plenderleith, and follows on from the firm advising on various previous fundraisings for Oxford BioDynamics.
Jeff Elway said: "We're always pleased to work with Oxford BioDynamics and support the company's growth ambitions as it aims to advance personalised healthcare. This was a fundraising carried out at a particularly difficult time for Oxford BioDynamics and with the equity capital markets still being very challenging, but it's an outstanding effort by OAK Securities, the sole broker for Oxford BioDynamics on the fundraising, in raising the funds."
Gowling WLG's Capital Markets team is well-established with an extensive track record over many years advising issuers on a variety of markets, as well as their sponsors, financial advisers, nominated advisers and brokers, in relation to IPOs, secondary fundraises, takeovers and related public company transactions.
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