Ian Chapman-Curry
Legal Director
PSL legal director
Our final podcast in the series focusing on discrimination, episode 24 of Pensions in 30 Podcasts looks at sex discrimination, as well as marital civil partnership status.
It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against employees because of their gender. The current legislation prohibiting discrimination on grounds of sex is set out in the Act, which implements the EC Equal Treatment Directive into UK law.
The Act prohibits four forms of sex discrimination: direct sex discrimination; indirect sex discrimination; harassment and victimisation.
The Act also inserts an overriding non-discrimination rule into occupational pension schemes where they do not already contain such provision.
Until 1990, pension schemes in the UK often mirrored the state pension age by having different retirement ages for men and women. Typically, men would have an NRA of 65 whilst women usually had an NRA of 60.
This changed following a series of key European Court of Justice (ECJ) judgments that established that pension schemes had to provide equal benefits for men and women from the date of the first of these landmark equalisation cases (Barber).
Article 157 of the EU Treaty states that: "each member state shall ensure that the principle of equal pay for male and female workers for equal work or work of equal value is applied."
The case of Barber established that pension entitlements were pay for the purposes of equal pay legislation. As a result, it was held to be unlawful for there to be an age condition distinguishing between men and women.
Occupational pension schemes were therefore required to equalise pension benefits for men and women. The Barber case did not, however, specify how pension schemes should apply equalisation. A subsequent case, Coloroll held that:
For many pension schemes, this means that members have at least three tranches of benefits:
Until pension schemes validly equalised benefits, members' benefits were 'levelled up' to the most advantageous terms. As many pension schemes followed the state pension age, women often had an NRA of 60 and men an NRA of 65. Under such a scheme, men would be treated as having an NRA of 60 from 17 May 1990 (i.e. the date of the Barber decision) until the date benefits were validly equalised in the pension scheme (the closure of the Barber window).
Some pension schemes failed to equalise benefits properly or at all, resulting in costly 'levelled up' benefit provision.
Barber and subsequent case law decisions have not addressed whether pension schemes should equalise GMPs. GMP equalisation continues to be a difficult area for the pensions industry and the Government is currently looking at proposals for how best to equalise GMPs.
The case law outlined above did not address the issue of part-time workers' pensions. Decisions by some pension scheme providers to prevent those working in a part-time capacity from being able to participate and contribute towards a pension scheme affect a higher proportion of women than men (as, on average, proportionately more women work part-time hours than men).
The Preston case established that, regardless of gender, a worker is entitled to access their employer's pension scheme.
Under the Act, a person is prohibited from:
It is important to note that harassment does not apply in relation to marital or civil partnership status. Furthermore, only people who are actually married or in civil partnerships are protected.
The Act consolidated and developed various pieces of discrimination legislation that had previously been contained in different strands of primary and secondary legislation.
The Civil Partnership Act 2004 came into force on 5 December 2005. From this date, same-sex couples could enter into a civil partnership.
The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 came into force on 13 March 2014. It allows the marriage of same-sex couples and the conversion of a civil partnership to a marriage.
The Act applies to both employers participating in occupational pension schemes and the trustees of such schemes. The Act also applies to third party providers of services and would therefore apply to pension scheme administrators and the providers of contract based personal pension schemes (e.g. GPPs).
The Act inserts an overriding non-discrimination rule into occupational pension schemes if they do not already contain such provision. This extends previous provisions by including marriage or civil partnership status into the overriding non-discrimination rule.
There are a number of exceptions to the non-discrimination rule under the Act. For example an employer may have a defence to a discrimination claim if, having regard to the nature or context of the work, not being married or a civil partner is an occupational requirement. Another statutory exception is where the discriminatory act was taken for the purposes of safeguarding national security.
Under the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 the government was required to review the differences between treatment of spouse's rights for same-sex and opposite-sex couples. The government's report was published in June 2014 and recommended no immediate change. The government has yet to make a final decision.
In the context of pension provision, the Act requires same-sex partners to have a right to any dependants' pensions provided by a pension scheme once they enter into a civil partnership or marriage but there is an exemption in the Act which permits a scheme to restrict this right to benefits that accrued from 5 December 2005 (i.e. when legislation permitting civil partnerships came into force).
Legal challenges to the exemption are ongoing but have so far been unsuccessful. The joined cases of O'Brien v Ministry of Justice and Walker v Innospec were heard by the Supreme Court in March 2017, with the claimants arguing that the exemption is discriminatory and same-sex partners should be entitled to survivor's benefits based on a member's rights for all periods of service (as opposite-sex partners are). The judgement is yet to be handed down. The recent ECJ case of Parris v Trinity College Dublin challenges the thinking of the Court of Appeal in the Innospec cases, where the exemption was upheld, although the facts in Parris differ slightly and the ECJ did not consider the key issue of retroactivity of the Equal Treatment Directive.
Some pension schemes continue to rely on the exemption, while others have amended their rules to ensure same-sex partners receive the same benefits as opposite-sex partners for all periods of service. Prudent Trustee boards are seeking an actuarial assessment of the cost of such a change to prepare for any possible changes in the law.
Where a particular practice in relation to a pension scheme does not fall within one of the statutory exceptions, it may still be lawful if it can be objectively justified. This means that a practice will not be discriminatory if it can be demonstrated that the provision is "a proportionate means" of "achieving a legitimate aim".
As with most of the other characteristics protected by the Act, objective justification can only apply to indirect discrimination.
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