Listen in as Gowling WLG chats with leading global infrastructure and renewables market analysts Inspiratia about behind-the-meter battery storage.

Large energy users are increasingly seeing the combination of battery storage - installed behind-the-meter - with other forms of on-site generation as a way to lock in their energy costs and combat brownouts.

But with limited revenue certainty and high competition for customers, how can investors sell - and make money from - such propositions?

To answer this question, Energy and Real Estate Partner Helen Emmerson sat down with Inspiratia, and Roberto Castiglioni, Senior Investment Director at Ingenious Infrastructure and Managing Director of Argonaut Power, focussing on:

  • Identifying a need for battery storage and on-site generation - 03:37
  • Winning business in a crowded market - 05:21
  • Corporate uncertainty risk - 08:53
  • Selling a complex energy proposition - 15:02
  • How to scale up as an investor - 19:25
  • A tipping point for battery storage? - 22:17