Michael J Luckman
Responsable des affaires juridiques
Livres blancs
Protectionism is on the rise and businesses with international relationships must ask themselves: are we leaving ourselves open to the risk or prepared for the opportunity?
Although an emerging issue which may ultimately benefit your business, it's important to take measure to ensure that protectionism and its implications are baked into your strategy.
Our white paper digs deep into recent seismic changes in global trade and what this means for UK businesses trading internationally.
We have researched and analysed over 10 years' worth of trade data to understand the key players in global protectionism, and how they affect other countries. This white paper includes our findings and what they mean for businesses in the UK.
We have also conducted in-depth research with hundreds of CEOs, CFOs, COOS and GCs about the current economic climate and the pivot towards a deglobalised, protectionist environment.
As part of our research we asked a range of questions to 500 board-level directors, which included 150 General Counsel at UK businesses which trade internationally.
'Global protectionism: are you leaving yourself open?' examines the key changes and implications of protectionism including:
Enter your details below to download the white paper, 'Global protectionism: are you leaving yourself open?' and find out more.
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