
Assistez à nos webinaires ou visionnez-les sur demande
Laissez-vous guider par des sommités de la propriété intellectuelle. Assistez à un webinaire et visitez nos salles de réunions virtuelles afin d'échanger avec nous et avec vos pairs, ou visionnez des enregistrements à votre convenance.
Depuis plus de 125 ans, les membres de l'équipe mondiale de PI de Gowling WLG aident les propriétaires de PI à percer dans le domaine, et ce, grâce à leurs compétences pointues en brevets, marques de commerce et marques, dessins industriels, droits d'auteur, publicité, litiges et plus encore.
Alors que le monde entier a changé compose avec les retombées de la COVID-19, notre équipe élabore continuellement de nouvelles façons d'assister et de communiquer avec les clients, notamment en mettant notre série de webinaires à leur disposition.
Our latest on-demand webinars
Lifecycle of a Smart Idea webinar series
Lifecycle of a Smart Idea is a live webinar series offering a fresh look at the field of intellectual property by tracing the options and steps that occur over the lifetime of a "smart idea" – from the laboratory or the "eureka moment," to the branding, promotion, exploitation and beyond.
Presented by our international team of IP professionals, the series explores the full range of IP rights, all while giving you the tips and perspectives you need to maximise opportunity and minimise risk when taking your smart idea to the global market.
Getting copyright right for Generative AI
The focus of both a wave of litigation and emerging regulation, Generative AI continues to evoke fundamental and untested issues of copyright. For businesses exploring opportunities associated with GenAI, and the general counsel teams advising them, such issues can present significant risk.
Lifecycle of a smart idea … in the metaverse
Remedies for patent infringement around the world
Playing by the rules: Brands and the celebration of major sport & entertainment events
How privilege can be used to protect your innovations and products
Are you prepared for the new unified patent court system in Europe?
What's to prove in a trademark case
Is there enough proof in the patent? Evidence in patent cases
Prove it! The use of expert evidence in a global IP dispute
Scaling your business: Strategies for commercializing your IP
Commercializing artificial intelligence: Strategies for the next era of invention
Defending your brand online: Global enforcement strategies for a new era
The genuine article: Developing a global anti-counterfeiting program for the first time
Defending your trademarks & designs: Global enforcement strategies
Starting strong: Building out a global trademark and design profile
A better way? Arbitrating & mediating IP disputes around the world
The game begins: Strategies for the early stages of patent litigation: The claimant's view
The game begins: Strategies for the early stages of patent litigation: The defendant's view
Ready or not, here we come: Tips for catching trade secret thieves
Global patent strategies in the world of tech & engineering
Patent strategy: Optimizing life sciences patents
Trade Secrets: The what, how and where of international protection
To patent or keep secret?
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